Evergreen lessons in leadership with Hamish Thomson

What are the top mindsets and behaviours of truly progressive leaders? And why does the working world need more ‘radiators’ and less ’drains’? Hamish Thomson, CEO and author of ‘It’s not always right to be right’ joins Ben Bars to talk about living a more purposeful life, the greatest lessons (and mistakes) of his career and what inspired him to write his book in our latest Catalyst Conversation.

Conversation highlights

Hamish’s resignation from Mars and the inspiration for his book.

The power of pragmatism in sharing lived experiences

The foundational value of being true to yourself

Finding your passion and finding your talents

Leading a more purposeful existence

Nature vs nurture: how to unlock your leadership potential

Leading change rather than managing change

The ‘best’ mistake Hamish has made

Why the working world needs less ‘drains’ and more ‘radiators’

What you can learn from bad bosses

The top mindsets of successful leaders

Nurturing the depth and quality of relationships 

Linking purpose to profitability 

What’s next for Hamish Thomson?

Listen to the full discussion, rate, review and subscribe below:

Keen for more?

Hamish Thomson’s book ‘It’s not always right to be right’ is packed with many more insights and learnings from his time in the corporate world. You can find out more about Hamish and his book here.

We Are Unity have been developing a model to help us define what tomorrow’s leaders will need to succeed. Learn more about our Leadership Excellence Acceleration Program here.

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