The many labels women (and all of us) are proud to wear

No matter where in the world you call home, International Women’s Day is a day to take a moment to reflect on and celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. This year’s theme, #BalanceforBetter, is also a call to action for accelerating gender parity.

Here at We Are Unity, we got to thinking and realised that in the past, labels have been guilty of shackling – rather than empowering women. But what if this was our chance to start changing the story, by celebrating the very labels we all choose to identify and redefine ourselves as? This could mean owning your label as a mum, daughter, artist, homepreneur, techpreneur, leader, role model… or perhaps a different kind of label you’re proud to wear. And even, the labels you’d give to appreciate the women in your life.

Meanwhile, check out how the team are celebrating International Women’s Day at We Are Unity HQ.

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