Mars Food

Culture Change

Culture • Behaviour • Leadership Development

The Brief

As the number one large company to work for in Australia, Mars Food Australia (MFA) had great employee engagement. But after eight years of growth (3-5% more than industry average), the Executive Team felt the business wasn’t reaching its full potential. To achieve this, they wanted know how to drive pace and focus in their people.

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Our Solution



Using our EX diagnostic, we identified the shifts MFA needed to make to drive business performance.


Next, we defined the behaviours required to close the gap, and designed an insights-driven EX strategy focused on six priority workstreams linked to MFA’s new business strategy. These included projects relating to leadership empowerment, communications and meeting effectiveness.


To create sustainable change, we took a leader-led approach that gave senior leaders ownership of a given workstream. We used off-site events and experiences to unpack and set behavioural expectations (supported with toolkits and training) so leaders could start to role-model. From their ability to coach, to learning how to empower and create psychological safety, to storytelling that emotionally connects and engage their audience – it was a culture change bootcamp!


Once leaders were aligned, we rolled out the behaviours to the full team, alongside the new MFA strategy. We launched at the annual conference through creating an engaging experience.

Quarterly pulse surveys were initiated to ensure workstream progress, and continue to correlate culture change with commercial value.


The outcomes


“We Are Unity have a real understanding, respect and care  for our business, coupled with a commercial focus. Meaning, they focus on how they can generate a return on investment  from their work. They always challenge us to think differently.”

– Leader, Mars Food


1,000 hours

of meeting time saved in one team
once our recommendations were made


increase in leaders facilitating innovation effectively
(quarterly pulse survey)


of Leaders said they learned practical skills they can use, and understood their role in driving culture change