Words Matter

Let’s close the book on gender bias.

71% of companies were still using gender biased language in 2022, but that’s 4% less than the previous year

From 75 to 71%

For every
10 pronouns
used, 7 are

Implicit bias has declined to an almost 50/50 ratio of male/female terms amongst companies using gender-balanced language


What does this mean for your organisation?

Annual Reports are the key indicator of an organisation’s yearly performance – heavily crafted and signed off by senior stakeholders.

We found that in 2022,  71% of Australia’s most prominent companies are still using gender-biased language, down from 75% the previous year. So the figures are getting better - but slowly.  

We’ve built a tool for you to check your company’s results. Just fill in the form below and we’ll email you your personalised report. 

71% of Australia’s most prominent companies are still using gender-biased language in 2022

You can’t can’t break biases if you don’t recognise them.

The first step towards addressing unconscious bias is facing it head on. Gender-balanced or gender-neutral language and equitable representation can significantly impact your perception and reputation as an employer, as well as the wellbeing and performance of your people.

Our ASX300 analysis found that organisations who practised gender balanced language also emphasised language associated with social cohesion and inclusivity – two key indicators we know drive effective performance.

Take the first step and Check Your Bias.

What does your word choice say about your bias?

When it comes to creating an equitable workplace, WORDS MATTER. Which is why We Are Unity analysed the language used in every ASX300 2022 Annual Report, and compared it to our data in the previous year, to see how leading companies are tracking in the gender equity stakes. See how you compare and get a personalised report now!

If you are interested but your company is not a part of the ASX300 contact us and one of our team members will come back to you shortly to set up an introductory conversation. 


Check your company’s bias.