Employee Value Proposition

It all starts
with an EVP.


A strong Employee Value Proposition can be one of the most important and far reaching strategic priorities organisation engages in. Designed right, it can help you attract and retain talent, while driving performance and commercial outcomes. 

But what is it? An Employee Value Proposition is a series of unique, authentic, and compelling messages that influence how people think, interact and feel about an organisation. It’s brought to life through your Employer Brand.

The era of the EVP 3.0 is here…



A tactical tool

Used for attracting talent to the business.



A creative tool

Used for attracting and retaining talent.



A strategic tool

Used for driving business outcomes.


“We really appreciated the We Are Unity team’s complete understanding of all the elements that underpin EVP and EB, not just 'making it look pretty'.

– Rebecca Martin, Head of Employee Experience at Metcash


Bigger picture.
Bigger impact.

Our unique approach makes sure the most important parts of your organisation work together in perfect harmony to deliver with purpose.

The real return on investment get’s unlocked by aligning your EVP with your business outcomes and not designing it in isolation (we use our Unity Dynamicsⓒ framework).  

To find our more about Unity Dynamics, book a discovery session.

Our five step process.

An EVP isn’t a one-size-fits all solution. It should be tailored to fit your organisation. Every business is unique and at a different stage of their evolution. That’s why at We Are Unity every EVP is designed bespoke to your business needs.

Our people are experts in their field, from psychologists and data experts to project leaders, art directors and savvy copywriters. Every project is co-designed by our team in tandem with our clients, following our five step process.

  • One

    Define problem statement and build business case

  • Two

    Unlock insights to focus investment

  • Three

    Develop authentic, compelling and strategic EVP framework

  • Four

    Bring to life how your EVP looks, feel and sounds (Employer Brand)

  • Five

    Embed and activate it through your people and channels.

Unleash the potential.



Paint a compelling picture of who you are for the talent you are trying to attract.


Amplify Purpose, building pride and unlocking advocacy in your people.


Create connection to Vision & Strategy, providing clarity and motivation.


Reinforce mindsets and behaviours to accelerate culture change. 


Anchor change or transformation, providing stability and consistency. 


Our work in action.

We’ve delivered and successfully embedded award winning EVPs and Employer Brands for some of the worlds largest employers, each with their own unique complexities and challenges. Dive deeper into our client case studies, and see some of the brands who have partnered with We Are Unity to ignite their potential through their people below.


Unlocking potential through Purpose

Enabling kindness in the face of crisis

Turning employees into advocates


Let's get started.